Feya The Bungeoneer
Feya is a speedy Bungeoneer. She"s adept at dodging enemy attacks and repositioning herself into an advantageous position by binkying into place. She formed an adventuring party with her two best friends, Sonya and Biscuit, something which she has dreamt of since young.
Basic Strategy
Feya starts with a free walk every turn. Use this to your advantage by walking away from the enemy, then trying to match mana next to them. Use this ability to manipulate mana around by switching places with them by walking or by binkying into a piece. This is very useful to get mana into position to clear the colored orbs in the room.
Sonya The Nekomancer
Sonya has been a Nekomancer all her life. Having had the abridged version of the Nekonomikon since young, she has self learnt how to summon cat familiars known as Kurokos. She was the one who started this simple quest of looking for the real Nekonomikon, which her best friends readily agreed to.
Basic Strategy
Summoning Kurokos is the best way to distract enemies from attacking you. Summon often even if it doesn"t look like there"s an immediate need to, because many Kurokos can really help in defeating one strong enemy. Sonya"s expertise is to match mana once for free, so do that once first before ending your turn by doing any other move. Sonya does not start out as a melee fighter, so keep enemies away from you.

Biscuit The Paladinu
This Paladinu has sworn to protec his friends, especially Feya and Sonya.
He will attac any enemies that gets in his way.
He likes to Snac, but not on Broccoli.
He comes from a long line of heroes from the Aska Wan family.
Basic Strategy
Paladinu has a free attack per turn. Use this in conjunction with his Shield bash to close in on an enemy, stun it, then attack repeatedly. Attack, Shield bash, attack, attack is Paladinu"s four hit combo on one enemy spread over two turns.
Butaryo The Boarlock
Normally, Boarlocks are comfortable with close range fights. Butaryo"s situation in this particular adventure has him showing off his mana wielding abilties more often than he"s used to. He seems absent minded most times, but he only became like that in the recent years due to a personal decision he made. Not to worry though, his training and instincts kick in to get himself out of danger...most of the time.
Basic Strategy
Butaryo has a strange manapulation ability beyond those of the other adventurers. He can switch two pieces of mana from anywhere in the room. With proper planning, this can be used to clear the room defenses, or even attack enemies, at times that other adventurers wouldn"t have been able to. Butaryo is also special in that he himself has an affinity with all colors, and is able to use himself as a piece to match with any other two pieces of mana of the same colour.

Pearl The Sowceress
Pearl was born with a high sensitivity to mana, which made her highly attuned to magic related beings and artifacts. Trained since young as a Sowceress, her skills as a magical items appraiser were highly sought after, and kept her busy until a certain fateful incident...
Basic Strategy
Pearl"s sensitivity to mana allow her to direct energy to a nearby piece and cause it to burst as if it were matched. This makes it a cinch for her to attack a nearby enemy or clear a coloured orb. The more mana she has accumulated, the stronger her damage when matching pieces next to an enemy. This, coupled with her free matching once a turn, makes her the strongest at attacking with mana.
Bob The Birbarian
Bob. Of the Birbarian tribes. Birb of few words. Very good with the hammer, both in carpentry work, and in battle. Good friend of Biscuit"s. Prefers to stay low key.
Basic Strategy
Bob can attack once a turn for free. He has high HP and Melee attack, and is a very direct heavy hitter. But it doesn"t mean he can get complacent with his moves! Recklessly attacking all the time mean without planning may cause enemies to group around Bob.
Or maybe that was the plan all along because Bob has a whirlwind move to attack all spaces around him, destroying the mana around him as well!